Add Portability to Your Home Office with the TOT’em

Add Portability to Your Home Office with the TOT’em

The flexibility of workspace is one of the best perks of working from home. But sometimes, it can feel bulky and awkward transporting your work essentials from home office to your living room, or maybe even an outside space on your deck, porch or backyard. That’s exactly what the TOT’em was designed for - providing a portability solution for your home office.

Fresh Design For the Remote Work World

The TOT’em is one of the newest home office solutions offered by Quick Ship Office. It was actually designed during the COVID-19 pandemic as office spaces shuttered, making way for the new era of remote-work. It’s the creation of the notable furniture design firm, Perkins, with the intention to give remote workers a way to carry everything they need from room to room. After all, what’s fun about working from home if you’re still chained to your desk?


Your Portable Office Desk

Think of the TOT’em as your portable office desk. It has a space for everything you need to get the job done, while giving you the freedom to get it done anywhere. It has compartments for your smartphone, stationary tools, laptop, keyboard, mouse, tablet, chargers, headphones, and anything else you might need.

It’s felt top body and lockable lid are built sturdy, and double as a laptop riser. This makes the TOT’em not only a portable office desk, but an ergonomic one as well. It also has a handy shoulder strap which makes it even easier to transport your workspace wherever you go. There is even a wireless charging mat built into the lid so you don’t have to worry about your battery running out when your charger is inside, but you're outside in the sun.


Stylish and Functional 

The TOT’em is stylish and functional, allowing you to put it wherever you want or need. It stores well on your bookshelf, on or below your desktop surface, or on a side table to expand the storage space for your home desk. You can even mount it to your ergonomic sit stand desk via ez-tracks. Tracks and screws are in the box in the event that your desktop does not already have ez-tracks.


Great for Company Productivity 

The TOT’em isn’t just an excellent design for the home office, it’s also a great design for the open space office that is gaining popularity. Employees can grab a TOT’em at the start of each day and have everything they need to get their work done for the day. No need for lockers, because the TOT’em is stackable. When employees need to work remotely, they have everything they need and the portable solution to bring their work home. From that view, the TOT’em is not only remote-work friendly, it’s also a productivity booster for companies.


Available in Mini

Like smaller sizes? The TOT’em is also available in a mini size. You can use it just like the regular size, or you can combine the TOT’em mini with the regular sized TOT’em for extra storage space.

No matter what your dream home office looks like, make sure that it’s portable. Make the most of your freedom to work remotely, and bring your office wherever you want to go. The TOT’em is the portable home office solution to make that happen. 

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